St Michael'S Church
Our Lady of Lourdes
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Dear Friends,
Two years ago I published a long article on the topic “The Pastoral Conversion of the Parish Community in the Service of the Evangelising Mission of the Church”. It essentially portrays the parish community not in terms of a territory with a given structure, but rather sees the local parish as an existential space where the culture of encounter and dialogue is fostered. Hence, being church means being God’s people, being God’s leaven in the midst of humanity. The parish community is not an outdated model, but must be a place of mercy freely given, where everyone can feel welcomed, loved, forgiven and encouraged to live the good life of the Gospel.
This pastoral background provides the backbone of my understanding of being a parish community in Baulkham Hills. In my own theological interpretation, our parish should be a dynamic, Eucharistic, and evangelizing community. To achieve the bond of unity and to foster relationships, we, through the grace of the Holy Spirit, need a new discernment around community, which consists in seeing reality with the eyes of God, with a view to unity and communion. The whole People of God must urgently embrace the Holy Spirit’s invitation to begin the process of “renewing” the face of the Church.
I am very aware of the history leading to the merger of two former parishes – St Michael’s and OLOL – into one parish community. Also, I acknowledge the grief and hurt caused during that time, twelve years ago. Yet, we need to move on for the sake of our children and grandchildren. We can’t remain in the state of grief and hurt which won’t bring us forward. It only will destroy the future and cut our children and grandchildren off from spiritual growth.
To persist in the state of grief and hurt means to grieve against the working of the Holy Spirit. “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, with whom you were sealed for the day of redemption” (Ephesians 4:30). His command not to grieve the Spirit falls under Paul’s initial instructions covering what not to do to cultivate holiness and walk in Christian purity. Grieving the Holy Spirit is similar to “quenching” the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:19) in that both negatively impact the believer, the parish, and the broader community. Quenching the Spirit speaks of stifling or suppressing the fire of God’s Spirit that burns within every believer. The Holy Spirit desires to express Himself in our actions and attitudes. When we do not allow God’s Spirit to be seen in our behaviour, when we do what we know is right, we embrace or engage the Spirit. We allow the Spirit to reveal Himself as He wants to, with “love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control” (Galatians 5:22–23).
As a living community of believers, the Parish finds itself in a context whereby the territorial affiliation is increasingly less evident, where places of association are multiplied and where interpersonal relationships risk being dissolved into a virtual world without any commitment or responsibility towards one’s neighbour.
I invite to let go if you are still aggrieved and embrace the wider parish if you are not, to be ready to forgive and accept being forgiven, ready to be reconciled by the grace of God.
A task of this kind ought not to be seen as a burden, but rather as a challenge to be embraced with enthusiasm.
Fr Joe
PARISH UPDATE – FRIDAY 25 October 2024
Diocese of Parramatta Wedding Anniversary Mass: 27 October
The annual Diocese of Parramatta Wedding Anniversary Mass will be held on Sunday 27 October at 11am at St Patrick’s Cathedral, Parramatta. Bishop Vincent will celebrate Solemn Mass, followed by a light lunch at the Cathedral Hall. All couples celebrating a significant wedding anniversary will receive a certificate from Bishop Vincent. Please register your name, years of marriage and numbers attending by visiting or phone 0488 000 211 by 20 October. Family and friends are welcome.
The Mass link for the Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time is . Please copy the link into browser if it does not immediately work.
Mass is usually live streamed on Saturday evening at 6pm from Our Lady of Lourdes and available for viewing afterwards via the link. We are also using FACEBOOK links via the Parish of Baulkham Hills FACEBOOK page.
Please also remember those for whom prayers have been requested, especially for:
Recently deceased:
- Warren Wells,
- Cynthia Sebastian
Please also remember those for whom prayers have been requested, especially for:
- Lily D/Cunha,
- Edward Muller,
- Garrick O’Neil,
- Rodney D’Cruz,
- Anne Ryan,
- Achu Joseph,
- Emerita Parra
We really appreciate your continued support. To assist with the proper recording for the second collection, please include your envelope number if you have one.
For EFT to the First Collection – supporting the priests
- BSB 067 950
- Account No 000004265
- Account Name Diocesan Clergy
- Reference 6001 your name
For EFT to the second (envelope and loose) Collection – for support of the Parish
- BSB 067 950
- Account No 000000214
- Account Name St Michael’s Baulkham Hills
- Reference Envelope Number or Your Name
For EFT to the St Michael’s Special Account
- BSB 067 950
- Acct No 100005310
- Acct Name Special Purposes
- Reference Your name and please email details to
If you wish to pay by credit card, please use this link